Already out there
Barnea-Astrog, Michal (2025). One Other Person. Holon: Nine Lives Press.
Barnea-Astrog, Michal, and Alony, Iftach, Ed. (2025). The Remaining: Therapeutic Encounters Following October 7th. Tel Aviv: Afik.
Barnea-Astrog, Michal & Becker, Mitchel (2023). Relational Conversations on Meeting and Becoming: The Birth of a True Other. London & New York: Routledge.
Barnea-Astrog, Michal (2022). The Coming Years [Hebrew]. Tel-Aviv: Shta'yim.
Barnea-Astrog, Michal (2021). Migration [Hebrew]. Haifa: Pardes.
Barnea-Astrog, Michal & Pelled, Esther (2020). Projection, Projective Identification and Conditioned Arising. In: Brodsky, Hillit (Ed.), Criss Cross: Psychoanalysis, Art and Culture [Hebrew]. Tel Aviv: Resling.
Barnea-Astrog, Michal (2019). Written in the Body: On Bodily Manifestations as a Connecting Tissue Between Present and Past, Conscious and Unconscious. In: Hebrew Psychology. Accessed July 28 2019.
Barnea-Astrog, Michal (2019). Psychoanalytic and Buddhist Reflections on Gentleness: Sensitivity, Fear, and the Drive Towards Truth. London: Routledge.
Barnea-Astrog, Michal (2018). Gentle People: Buddhist and Psychoanalytic Reflections on Gentleness [Hebrew]. Tel Aviv: Resling.
Barnea-Astrog, Michal (2017). Carved by Experience: Vipassana, Psychoanalysis, and the Mind Investigating Itself. London: Karnac Books.
Barnea-Astrog, Michal (2017). Hitbaharut: Vipassana, Psychoanalysis, and the Mind Investigating Itself [Hebrew]. Tel Aviv: Resling.
Barnea-Astrog, Michal (2015). Internal Holding, External Holding: Three Experiences in Primitive Fear of Annihilation. In: Hebrew Psychology. Accessed May 18 2015.
Barnea-Astrog, Michal (2014). Moments of Meeting: On Unmediated Events Occurring beyond the Habitual. In: Hebrew Psychology. Accessed May 18 2015.
Barnea-Astrog, Michal (2014). Some Thoughts on Primary Needs and Non-Egocentric Nourishment. In: Hebrew Psychology. Accessed May 18 2015.